Does Social Media Really work for Doctors ?
Health care is not social, sports medicine is not social, dental is not social but human beings are. The fact is that we humans thrive on social interactions with fellow human beings… When will social media work for me? Health care is not social, sports medicine is not social, dental is not social but human…
Why Branding is the Future of Marketing in the Post Covid Era?
Some of the best marketing strategies I’ve discovered have come from asking myself what I want to do. Why not try it? What do you have to lose? Why Branding is the Future of Marketing in the Post Covid Era? Some of the best marketing strategies I’ve discovered have come from asking myself what I…
My Top Tips to use Social Media for Personal Branding.
In this blog, I share my Top tips to use Social Media to create a strong Personal Brand.Before we dive into the content I want to make sure you’ve done the work. If you haven’t set the foundation for your brand nothing I share below will matter. The reality is you need to understand your…
Start Before You Are Ready !
It’s always a pleasure to look back and reflect.Sometimes you keep procrastinating on the things that you really want to do.You wait for that perfect moment, when… Start Before You are Ready! It’s always a pleasure to look back and reflect … Sometimes you keep procrastinating on the things that you really want to do.…
Connecting The Dots…
Sometimes it’s in the most impromptu moments that things start making sense to you.I had just finished my First offline workshop , after few online workshops… Connecting the dots… Sometimes it’s in the most impromptu moments that things start making sense to you. I had just finished my First offline workshop , after few online…